
Relining vs. Trenching: The Pros and Cons of Sewer Repair Methods

Posted by Gio on August 19, 2024

If you're a homeowner dealing with a failing, leaking, or clogged sewer line, you're likely weighing different repair or replacement options. Two of the most common methods for fixing sewer pipes are relining and trenching. But how do you decide which is the better choice for your situation?

Defining Sewer Line Relining

Sewer relining, also known as Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) lining, involves installing a flexible fabric tube covered with a special resin into existing pipes and then curing it to form a smooth, seamless, joint-less, and corrosion-resistant interior pipe surface within the damaged one optimizing flow and sealing defects.

The resin-saturated liner gets fed through manhole access points using water pressure and then expands through heating, UV light, or steam application to solidify directly against interior pipe walls assuming original dimensions. Once cured, the new pipe lining restores structural stability, flow efficiency, and life expectancy up to 50 more years if properly maintained.

Relining repairs pipes without excavating so surrounding infrastructure, landscaping, and concrete remain fully intact, reducing property disruption. It also saves considerable time and expense over replacements needing extensive digging and then surface restorations afterward.

Understanding Trenching For Sewer Repairs

Traditional open trenching involves excavating down to physically access damaged pipes then either replacing compromised sections entirely or sealing joints/gaps noticeable once unearthed. After repairs conclude, crews backfill and then restore ground surfaces overlaying pipeline routes.

While effective for straightforward, limited issues, extensive trenching risks site contamination if waste leaks plus costs escalate from exploration difficulties determining precise problem locations beforehand. Once reopened, full pipe conditions become clearer, but repairs also disturb neighboring utility infrastructure as all get unearthed amid digging.

Furthermore, replacing piping with mismatched materials like clay connected to PVC often accelerates failures from incompatible expansion differences. After trenching work finishes, underlying ground consistency frequently settles under repaired areas over time as backfilled soil compacts down gradually post-construction.

Key Factors Differentiating Relining and Trenching

Several major considerations differentiate CIPP lining from open trench replacement determining suitability:


Since access requirements drive overall property disruption, relining proves minimally invasive needing only two small digging sites exposing pipe ends coupling liner insertion equipment. Meanwhile, trenching necessitates extensive excavations tracing entire pipeline lengths affecting structures/landscaping above.

Structural Limitations

Severely collapsed, cracked, or sagging pipes exceed relining capacity to mold uniformly against walls for solid cures. However, trenching handles full replacements better but risks pipeline misalignments from soil settling afterward.

Repair Lengths

Contiguous relining readily fixes longer stretches faster at lower costs than incremental trenching working small sections individually. Yet when addressing singular leaks/clogs identifiable through camera scoping, pinpoint trench repairs spare unnecessary replacement costs beyond damage zones.

Water Service Interruption

Smooth liner installations allow uninterrupted wastewater functioning for occupants while repairs cure over several hours using bypass pumping. But trenching requires shutting off home water access whenever lines get crossed during deeper digging until connections get restored post-project.

Access Considerations

Navigating basement sewer pipes challenges liner feeding equipment more than basement ceilings easily removed enabling trench excavation points and lowering repair costs accordingly in such instances.

Evaluating Key Relining Pros

Cured-in-place pipe relining offers appealing benefits from limited property disruption to long-term project lifespans ideal for extensive deterioration scenarios:

1. Less Invasive Installation

Avoiding mass excavations minimizes courtyard, driveway, and yard overhauls people, material handling equipment, and crews mitigate with trenching containing wide access needs. Instead, low-impact installations utilize landscaping sleeve tunneling to protect the surface features above.

2. Lower Property Restoration Requirements

Limiting piping access via small exterior holes punched through eliminates rebuilding expenses associated with resurfacing hundreds of square feet sometimes disrupted during deep trenching excavations to base depths. What minor repairs occur integrate flush with surroundings.

3. Structural Reinforcing Option

Smoothly bonded liner wall provides equivalent rigidity matching surrounding pipe strengths compensating deficits from previous cracks, gaps, or fractures not feasibly addressed through external sealing alone as joint tapes, clamps or wraps trenching allows when visual contact confirms coverage.

4. Reduced Industrial Waste Contamination Risks

With pipes left buried, lining avoids hazardous sludge handling contacting crews, and water table access trenching necessitates once digging through surrounding soil down to leak depths. Any defects get encapsulated inside reinforced liners.

5. Multi-Purpose Remediations In One Step

A single CIPP installation concurrently restores lost material thickness incrementally deteriorated over decades, smoothes away internal turbulence-inducing obstructions, and counteracts further corrosion simultaneously transforming original installations into revitalized drains optimizing flow.

6. Long Term Fixes With 50 Year Lifespans

Assuming no premature failures attributed to defective resin mixes, poor curing, or installation damages, seamless fabric-reinforced plastic linings withstand degradation factors compromising unprotected piping providing 50 more years of lasting service matching new infrastructure specs.

7. Applicability For Various Pipeline Materials

Compatible resin-saturated liners adapt along cast iron, clay, concrete, and PVC existing interior walls making for universal solutions common trench replacements lack given material connection complexities. Selections cater to specific diameter dimensions too.

8. Lower Costs Over Extensive Distance Repairs

Continuous tube linings injected for lengths over hundreds of feet reduce expenses associated with labor and closure-intensive trenching dictating segmented replacements at each failure point noticed. Remote camera scoping first identifies the entirety of defects beforehand.

Cons of Relining

Evaluating Key Trenching Pros

Despite compromised surrounding infrastructure, traditional open trenching retains merits like direct repairs and full control of technical factors influence:

1. Enables Visual Verification of Defects

Unlike relining dependent on scoping camera findings, hand exposures achieved along entire pipeline runs through trenching allow technicians to definitively catalog actual leak sources, cracks, obstacles, or pipe deformities onsite dictating appropriate response locations.

2. Complete Pipe Accessibility for Repairs

Whether sealing joints, reinforcing weak segments, or removing blockages, direct contact flexibly facilitates tailored measures scaled against observed conditions not limited by remote interventions linings impose uniformly along lengths regardless of intermittent defect spacing.

3. Structural Repairs For Serious Collapses

Wherever extensive deflections, sagging walls, or fractures arise weakening integrity severely enough to risk rupture risks from pressure flows or backfill weights above, trenching enables exterior pipe reinforcements, realignments or total replacements relining lacks insertion capacity achieving within distorted spaces.

4. Handling Unexpected Discovery of Additional Issues

While scoping camera surveys preface lining work, static images captured may misrepresent severity levels until pipes get physically exhumed sometimes uncovering extra defects like major cracks or widejoint separations missed from footage warranting adaptive efforts relining cannot accommodate once insertion begins.

5. Allows Mismatched Pipeline Material Transitions

When original lines utilized multiple substance types ill-suited to conveying wastewater together long term due to chemical corrosion, rebuilding selective pipe segments with uniform trenching repairs better isolates incompatible directions avoiding premature failures whereas continuous linings span across interacting with both sides.

6. Matching Pipe Dimension Options

Since relining relies on resin calibration against host pipe diameters before insertion, only standard dimension offerings apply while trenching replacements readily accommodate odd-sized or custom width retrofits adding longevity back through correctly sized profiles meeting particular drainage volume demands.

7. Potential for Lower Cost Short Pipeline Fixes

Where specifically isolated leak locations arise along limited pipe stretches either noticeable through proximal yard erosion/sinkage or confirmed via camera scoping, tailored partial trenching repairs spare expense and property disturbances full-length replacements or linings invoke essentially renewing whole pipeline runs unnecessarily beyond damage zones.

Cons of Trenching

Key Factors Influencing Sewer Repair Selections

Weighing critical considerations helps determine ideal repair methods:

- Available Access Space: Opening dimensions govern equipment needs.

- Current Pipe Condition: Direct assessments dictate response extents suiting discoveries.

- Extent of Property Disruption: Surface area disturbances vary by technique.

- Applicable Pipe Materials: Chemistry affects long-term compatibility.

- Water Service Interruptions: Some methods allow continued functioning.

- Homeowner Cost Comparisons: Project expenses and replacement lifespans get considered together.

- Regional Environmental Factors: Groundwater levels and soil composition influence efforts.

Relining and trenching both furnish effective sewer repair outcomes although preferential selections depend on case-by-case basis factors investigated through professional evaluations onsite. Certified plumbers determine recommended courses charting inspection findings against method capabilities for ideal pairings improving functionality.

Consulting Professional Plumbers on Sewer Issues

While relining and trenching cover common sewer repair approaches and each suits particular scenarios better based on specific considerations explored, determining appropriate applications that match your situation starts by first scheduling certified plumber assessments onsite.

Experienced field technicians more accurately diagnose causation sources based on direct pipeline observations often through camera footage captured. Comparing defects noticed then to method strengths and constraints identifies the best plans for restoring functionality. Licensed plumbers also confirm whether building codes enforce certain repair regulations given locations alongside properties or within easements. Vetted professional consultations set repair processes up for success.

Once optimal tactics, reliable plumbing companies safely execute relining and trenching fixing sewer issues properly the first time while delivering consistent construction qualities adhering to local statutes. Specialized project experience also lends practical wisdom streamlining efforts coordinated sequencing restoration phases seamlessly from start through surface completion for minimal disruption getting households back fully operational promptly.

Don't gamble property damages or functionality losses on underskilled DIY sewer repairs. Hire professional plumbers instead of implementing proven trenchless lining techniques or targeted trenching restoration services expertly restoring structural stability, leak protection, clog-free flows, and long lifespans drained systems required when deteriorating or defective sections arise jeopardizing whole network capacities over time left unaddressed. Contact us today to schedule comprehensive free evaluations identifying actions securing your property's plumbing lifelines for decades ahead.