
Five Essentials for Your Plumbing Toolkit

Posted by Gio on August 30, 2021

Many homeowners understand the basics of plumbing. While it is a good idea to leave repairs to the professionals, basic upkeep of your popes and plumbing lines is a good DIY project. All you will need is some essentials for your plumbing toolkit. So, here are five of the most important tools you should add to your shopping list.


A plunger is a crucial, yet often overlooked tool. It can help you to unclog a backed up sink or correct a toilet clog. This is an ineffective tool for minor clogs, so you can quickly avoid any flooding or backing up issues.

A basic plunger pushes more water into the pipe to create more pressure against the clog. This can cause it to shift and allow the water to drain away. You should have at least one plunger in your home, but it is a good idea to have one in each bathroom. You may even find it useful to have a toilet plunger, which has a lip for more effective plunging.

A Drain Snake

Drain snakes or plumbing snakes are handy devices for thicker clogs that you can’t seem to shift with your plunger. You simply feed the snake into the drain and then crank it to break up any accumulated debris or clog. This can be a great way to clear hair and soap scum that may have built up in your shower drain.

Basin Wrench

While you may have a wrench in your tool box, it is also a good idea to have a basin wrench in your plumbing kit. Loose faucets and sinks are not only annoying, but they can cause leaks and potentially costly water damage. A basin wrench can allow you to tighten the nuts and bolts in your plumbing system, but it can also allow you to slip into harder to reach small spaces.

Pipe Wrenches

A set of pipe wrenches is a step up from a basic basin wrench. These are bigger and heavier than basic wrenches and they can be used to adjust pipes and fittings that may have come loose.

Thread Seal Tape

Finally, your DIY plumbing kit should not be without some thread seal tape. This is a similar type of adhesive to painter’s tape, but it has water resistant capabilities. This means it can be used to stop any persistent or troublesome leaks. Residential plumbing systems have numerous threaded joint connections, so you need to ensure that they don’t come undone or corrode. Applying thread seal tape can provide a temporary fix for more serious issues while you wait for your trusted local plumber to come to your aid.

If you’re experiencing plumbing issues that are beyond your DIY skills, you can rely on the expertise and experience of a professional plumber. Your plumber can check for any underlying issues and provide a quick and effective solution. This will help minimize the risk of potentially costly water damage and the inconvenience of water leaks.