
7 Expert Methods to Unclog Your Toilet

Posted by Gio on February 2, 2024

A clogged toilet is one of those household mishaps that can quickly turn into a messy and inconvenient situation. Whether it's a result of excess toilet paper, foreign objects, or other plumbing issues, a clogged toilet demands swift action. As a reputable plumbing company committed to ensuring your home runs smoothly, we understand the urgency and frustration that comes with a clogged toilet. That's why we've compiled a comprehensive guide featuring seven expert methods to unclog your toilet effectively.

Plunger Power

The plunger is a classic tool for unclogging toilets and for good reason - it works. When it comes to tackling a stubborn toilet clog, few tools are as reliable and effective as the trusty plunger. Here's a detailed breakdown of how to harness the power of the plunger to unclog your toilet:

Hot Water and Dish Soap

Sometimes, a simple solution can do wonders. Boil a pot of water and add a few squirts of dish soap. The Hot Water and Dish Soap method is a straightforward yet effective DIY solution for unclogging toilets. Here's a more detailed breakdown of the steps involved:

Baking Soda and Vinegar

This age-old combination is not just for baking - it's a powerful DIY cleaner too. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is a well-known and effective DIY solution for various cleaning tasks, including unclogging a toilet. The chemical reaction between these two household staples creates fizzing and bubbling, which can help break down and dissolve the clog. Here's a more detailed explanation of how to use baking soda and vinegar to unclog a toilet:

Wire Coat Hanger

If the clog is within reach and you're comfortable using a tool, a wire coat hanger can be surprisingly effective. Unwind the hanger and create a small hook at one end. Gently insert the hooked end into the drain and maneuver it to dislodge or pull out the obstruction. Exercise caution to avoid scratching the porcelain. Here's a more detailed step-by-step guide:

Enzyme-based Cleaner

For stubborn clogs or recurring issues, consider using an enzyme-based cleaner specifically designed for breaking down organic matter in drains. These cleaners work by introducing beneficial bacteria that digest the clog over time. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully for optimal results.

Application and Usage

Using an enzyme-based cleaner is a straightforward process, but following the manufacturer's instructions is crucial to achieving optimal results. Here's a general guide on how to use these cleaners:

Plumbing Snake

The plumbing snake, often referred to as a toilet auger, is a versatile tool designed to navigate through the twists and turns of your toilet's plumbing system, helping to dislodge and remove stubborn clogs. Here's a more detailed explanation of how to use a plumbing snake effectively:

Understanding the Plumbing Snake:


Inserting the Plumbing Snake:

Locating the Clog:

Rotating the Snake:

Retrieving the Clog:


Call in the Professionals:

When faced with a persistently clogged toilet, reaching out to a professional plumber is not just a convenient option; it is often the most practical and efficient solution. Here's a detailed exploration of why calling in the experts is a wise decision:

A clogged toilet can disrupt your daily routine and cause unnecessary stress, but with the right approach, it's a problem that can be solved effectively. By utilizing these seven expert methods, you can tackle toilet clogs with confidence and restore order to your home. Remember, for persistent or complicated clogs, don't hesitate to enlist the help of a trusted plumbing professional.