
Common Plumbing Issues and How to Fix Them

With its diverse climate and population, is no stranger to plumbing issues that can affect both residential and commercial properties. Various factors contribute to common plumbing problems. In this article, we will explore the eight most prevalent plumbing issues and provide practical solutions to address them.

Leaking Faucets

Leaking faucets are a widespread plumbing issue, primarily due to the state’s hard water, which can cause mineral deposits and wear on the faucet components. To fix a leaking faucet, start by turning off the water supply, dismantling the faucet, and replacing any damaged parts, such as O-rings or washers. Regular cleaning with a vinegar solution can also help prevent mineral buildup.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing issues faced by homeowners and across the globe. These clogs can occur in various areas of the house, including sinks, showers, bathtubs, and toilets. They are often caused by the buildup of debris such as hair, soap scum, food particles, grease, and mineral deposits. Identifying a clogged drain is relatively easy. Water draining slowly or not draining at all is a telltale sign of a blockage. In severe cases, you may also notice gurgling sounds coming from the drain or foul odors emanating from the pipes. Here are several methods to fix clogged drains:

  • Plunging: A plunger is a handy tool for clearing minor clogs. To use it effectively, ensure there is enough water in the sink or bathtub to cover the rubber part of the plunger. Place the plunger over the drain and push and pull it vigorously to create suction. This action can dislodge the clog and allow water to flow freely again.
  • Boiling Water: For clogs caused by grease or soap scum, pouring boiling water down the drain can sometimes break up the obstruction. Be cautious when using this method, especially with PVC pipes, as excessive heat can damage them.
  • Chemical Drain Cleaners: Chemical drain cleaners are readily available in most hardware stores and supermarkets. These products contain powerful chemicals that can dissolve organic matter, allowing water to flow freely. However, they can be harmful to pipes and the environment, so use them sparingly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Plumbing Snake: Also known as a drain auger, a plumbing snake is a long, flexible tool used to break up and remove stubborn clogs. Insert the snake into the drain and rotate it clockwise while applying gentle pressure. This action helps to dislodge the blockage, allowing it to be pulled out or washed away.
  • Baking Soda and Vinegar: This natural alternative to chemical drain cleaners can be effective for minor clogs. Start by pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain to loosen the debris. Then, pour half a cup of baking soda followed by half a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain with a stopper or cloth to contain the fizzing reaction. After 15-30 minutes, flush the drain with hot water to wash away the loosened debris.
  • Remove and Clean the Trap: If the clog is located in the P-trap (the curved section of pipe beneath the sink), you may need to remove it to access and remove the obstruction manually. Place a bucket or bowl beneath the trap to catch any water or debris that may spill out during the process. Once removed, clean the trap thoroughly and reinstall it.
  • Professional Help: If you’ve tried all of the above methods and the drain remains clogged, it may be time to call a professional plumber. Plumbers have specialized tools and equipment, such as hydro-jetters and sewer cameras, to diagnose and clear even the most stubborn clogs effectively.
  • Preventive Measures: To prevent future clogs, consider using drain guards or strainers to catch hair, food particles, and other debris before they enter the drain. Avoid pouring grease, oil, and coffee grounds down the sink, as they can solidify and cause blockages over time. Additionally, regular maintenance such as flushing drains with hot water and vinegar can help keep them clear and flowing smoothly.

Running Toilets

Running toilets are not only annoying but can also contribute to water wastage, a significant concern where water conservation is crucial. The problem often stems from a faulty flapper or valve. To fix a running toilet, replace the damaged components and ensure the flapper sits properly. Regularly inspect the toilet tank for any signs of wear and tear.

Water Heater Issues

Water heaters can face problems such as sediment buildup, leaks, or a lack of hot water. Regularly flushing the water heater to remove sediment can improve its efficiency. Address leaks promptly by tightening connections or replacing faulty valves. If you consistently experience a lack of hot water, it may be time to consider a professional inspection and potentially replace the heating element or thermostat.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is a common plumbing issue that many homeowners encounter. It can be frustrating when the water from faucets, showers, and other fixtures trickles out instead of flowing with adequate force. Several factors can contribute to low water pressure, ranging from simple fixes to more complex plumbing problems. Here’s a detailed guide on identifying the causes of low water pressure and how to address them:

  • Check the Main Shutoff Valve: The main shutoff valve controls the flow of water into your home. If it’s not fully open, it can restrict water flow and lead to low water pressure. Locate the valve, typically found near the water meter, and ensure it’s fully open by turning it counterclockwise.
  • Inspect Individual Fixture Valves: Each fixture, such as sinks, toilets, and showers, may have its own shut-off valve. Make sure these valves are fully open to allow maximum water flow. Sometimes these valves can accidentally get turned partially closed during maintenance or repairs.
  • Clean Faucet Aerators and Showerheads: Mineral deposits and debris can accumulate in faucet aerators and showerheads, obstructing the flow of water and causing low pressure. Remove the aerator or showerhead and soak it in vinegar overnight to dissolve the deposits. Scrub the components with a brush and rinse them thoroughly before reinstalling.
  • Check for Leaks: Leaks in the plumbing system can reduce water pressure by diverting water away from fixtures. Inspect visible pipes for signs of leaks, such as puddles, dampness, or water stains. Additionally, monitor your water meter for any unusual fluctuations when no water is being used, which could indicate an unseen leak.
  • Inspect Pressure Regulator: A pressure regulator controls the water pressure entering your home from the municipal water supply. If it’s malfunctioning or set too low, it can result in low water pressure throughout the house. Consult a plumber to inspect and adjust the pressure regulator if necessary.
  • Clear Clogged Pipes: Over time, mineral deposits, rust, and debris can accumulate inside pipes, restricting water flow and causing low pressure. Professional pipe cleaning techniques, such as hydro-jetting or pipe descaling, can effectively remove these obstructions and restore proper water flow.
  • Address Corroded Pipes: Corrosion in pipes, particularly in older homes with galvanized steel or copper piping, can lead to reduced water pressure. Replace corroded sections of piping or consider repiping the entire system with modern materials like PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) or copper.
  • Consult a Professional Plumber: If you’ve tried the above steps and still experience low water pressure, it’s best to consult a licensed plumber. They can conduct a thorough inspection of your plumbing system, diagnose the underlying cause of the issue, and recommend appropriate repairs or replacements.

Pipe Leaks

Los Angeles’ seismic activity can lead to pipe leaks, especially in older buildings with outdated plumbing systems. Regularly inspect visible pipes for any signs of corrosion, rust, or water stains. Replace damaged sections and consider upgrading to more earthquake-resistant materials if needed.

Sewer Line Problems

Tree roots, shifting soil, and aging pipes contribute to sewer line issues. Signs of sewer line problems include slow drains, foul odors, and sewage backups. Trenchless sewer line repair methods can be a less invasive solution, but consulting with a professional plumber is crucial to accurately diagnose and address the issue.

Dripping Water Heater

A dripping water heater is a common plumbing issue that can lead to various problems, including water damage, energy inefficiency, and increased utility bills. Water heaters are a crucial component of a home’s plumbing system, providing hot water for various household activities. When they start to leak, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage.

Here are the steps to diagnose and fix a dripping water heater:

  • Turn Off the Power: Before attempting any inspection or repairs, it’s crucial to turn off the power supply to the water heater. For electric water heaters, locate the circuit breaker and switch it off. For gas water heaters, turn off the gas supply and extinguish the pilot light.
  • Identify the Source of the Leak: Water heater leaks can originate from different parts of the unit. Common areas include the pressure relief valve, drain valve, tank seams, and the bottom of the tank. Carefully inspect the unit to determine the source of the leak.
  • Drain Valve: The drain valve is located near the bottom of the water heater and is used for flushing out sediment. If it’s leaking, it may be due to a loose or faulty valve. Tighten the valve with a wrench, and if the leaking continues, consider replacing it with a new one.
  • Tank Seams: If the leak is coming from the tank seams, it may indicate corrosion or a crack in the tank. Unfortunately, if the tank is leaking, it’s usually a sign that the water heater needs to be replaced. Contact a professional plumber to assess the situation and recommend a suitable replacement.
  • Check the Temperature and Pressure (T&P) Relief Valve: The T&P relief valve is designed to release water if the temperature or pressure inside the tank becomes too high. If it’s leaking, it could be due to excess pressure or a faulty valve. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for testing and replacing the T&P relief valve.
  • Final Word

Addressing common plumbing issues requires a combination of preventive maintenance and prompt repairs. Regular inspections and proactive measures can help homeowners and property managers minimize the impact of plumbing problems and ensure a reliable and efficient plumbing system.